
The Class Map Generator utility: bin/classmap_generator.php


The script bin/classmap_generator.php can be used to generate class map files for use with the ClassMapAutoloader.

Internally, it consumes both Zend_Console_Getopt (for parsing command-line options) and Zend_File_ClassFileLocater for recursively finding all PHP class files in a given tree.

Quick Start

You may run the script over any directory containing source code. By default, it will look in the current directory, and will write the script to autoload_classmap.php in the directory you specify.

  1. php classmap_generator.php Some/Directory/

Configuration Options

Class Map Generator Options

--help or -h

Returns the usage message. If any other options are provided, they will be ignored.

--library or -l

Expects a single argument, a string specifying the library directory to parse. If this option is not specified, it will assume the current working directory.

--output or -o

Where to write the autoload class map file. If not provided, assumes "autoload_classmap.php" in the library directory.

--overwrite or -w

If an autoload class map file already exists with the name as specified via the --output option, you can overwrite it by specifying this flag. Otherwise, the script will not write the class map and return a warning.
