Additional Headers

Character Sets

Zend_Mail does not check for the correct character set of the mail parts. When instantiating Zend_Mail, a charset for the e-mail itself may be given. It defaults to iso-8859-1. The application has to make sure that all parts added to that mail object have their content encoded in the correct character set. When creating a new mail part, a different charset can be given for each part.

Note: Only in text format
Character sets are only applicable for message parts in text format.

Example #1 Usage in CJK languages

The following example is how to use Zend_Mail in Japanese. This is one of CJK (aka CJKV ) languages. If you use Chinese, you may use HZ-GB-2312 instead of ISO-2022-JP.

  1. //We suppose that character encoding of strings is UTF-8 on PHP script.
  2. 'ISO-2022-JP', 'UTF-8''ISO-2022-JP');
  3. // In this case, you can use ENCODING_7BIT
  4. // because the ISO-2022-JP does not use MSB.
  5. 'This is the text of the mail.''[email protected]', myConvert('Some Sender''[email protected]', myConvert('Some Recipient''TestSubject'

Additional Headers